• How long does an appraisal take and what is involved?

    It takes approx. 30 minutes to examine, document, photograph and evaluate a piece of jewelry. More complicated items require a greater amount of time. The completed appraisal is usually generated within two days, upon which time a PDF copy is emailed to you and the laminated copy follows in the mail.

  • What do I need to bring to the appointment?

    Bring all the items you would like to have evaluated. We conducted a cursory examination to determine which require full documentation. Any documentation such as previous appraisals, sales receipts, and reports from an independent gemological laboratory (e.g. GIA, AGS, IGI), are helpful in expediting the process.

  • We appraise all jewelry items, including antique jewelry, watches and loose gemstones.

  • We do not appraise rough (uncut), gemstones or crystals, sterling silver flatware, tableware or hollowware.

  • We do not engage in commerce. We do not sell, buy, or broker jewelry.

  • Yes. We offer a consultation service at the time of the examination for getting the most you can for an item you are looking to dispose of. An additional consultation fee will apply.

  • Like any other professional service, our fees are based on time.

    While it is difficult to quote a fee without seeing the item(s) of jewelry, the fee for a written appraisal of a single item will range from $150.00 to $175.00. Consideration is given if you have multiple items to be appraised. We will provide a quote for the appraisal fee at the time the jewelry is presented.

    As general rule, an item that requires more extensive research and analysis (such as large diamonds and colored gems, signed jewelry pieces, fine period and antique jewelry, complex jewelry and complicated watches) will incur a higher appraisal fee. Estate appraisals and other consultations including verbal evaluations, sales guidance, pre and post purchase evaluations, general sorting, gemstone and metals testing are billed at an hourly consultation rate of $250.00 with a $125.00 minimum.

Questions our clients ask: